You should spend a little more time learning about them by browsing here and other internet sites. If you contact them directly you will become a recruiting target.
No Apologies
i'm an anglican and not a jehovahs witness.
what i dislike about lots of church congregations is their readiness to make unpleasant and unhelpful comments about other christian groups.
recently someone in a church tried to tell me a little about the views of jehovahs witnesses.
You should spend a little more time learning about them by browsing here and other internet sites. If you contact them directly you will become a recruiting target.
No Apologies
while attending a week long training class for elders in patterson, bro losch gave the concluding talk about loyalty to the borg, which i was in awe of(i went more in detail in a recent post about a s.a.d.
where losch was the speaker).
at the end of his talk, here's what he said: .
Lösch has made comments like this before. He clearly doesn't approve of football.
No Apologies
hot off the presses from exjw reddit earlier today.
massive leak in uk.. if true, this is big (and very, very disturbing)..
My understanding is that the UK (possibly the entire EU), has very strict data retention regulations. I think that's what these instructions are related to. And what's with Overly Dramatic Delivery Guy?
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based on what we've seen, it seems to me that of the seven, splane and jackson are the smartest; herd, lett and morris the least intelligent; and sanderson and losch somewhere in the middle.
what's your impression?.
I thought I had heard Lett came from a very wealthy JW family, which might have something to do with his being invited to be on the GB.
No Apologies
hey all,.
have you seen the new video on ?.
isn't this too much of a coincidence?
Just watched it. The timing is quite interesting, and is definitely not a coincidence.
No Apologies
we all know confessing to the eldubs is a bunch of crap.
seriously, once you do it, you are marked.
unless you kiss ass like a true believer for the rest of your days in the cult, forget moving up the ladder.
This is ridiculous. You try telling the elders you aren't going to answer their questions because you have become an ordained minister and they will either DF you or simply announce you have DA'd yourself. It has nothing to do with state or province regulations. The only rules they worry about are theirs.
No Apologies
we all know confessing to the eldubs is a bunch of crap.
seriously, once you do it, you are marked.
unless you kiss ass like a true believer for the rest of your days in the cult, forget moving up the ladder.
By becoming an ordained minister through some other organization, online or otherwise, you have DA'd yourself. End of story.
No Apologies
they're baaaack!!!
jws "tabling" at my student center again, first time in over six months.
i wonder if the fact it's been 15 degrees out had anything to do with it?
So if Scientology wanted to register and set up a table, the university would let them? How about Westboro Baptist? They need to have some better guidelines on just who can come in and set up a table.
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a sick little girl goes to ny to meet caleb and sophia for her make a wish trip..
i don't want to make too much comment as there is an innocent and poorly young girl at the heart of this but i do have to wonder what the purpose of the parents courting the media's attention over this really was..
Wishes are bad, that's what I was always taught. Like magic.
No Apologies
i thought we needed carpenters and plumbers in paradise...oh well... the hypocrisy.
to all bodies of elders in the united states branch territoryre: experienced attorneys and paralegals needed at bethel.
dear brothers:.
I think another reason they prefer JW over non-JW lawyers is because they can pressure/intimidate them to do things that a worldly lawyer would refuse to do for ethical or legal reasons. A loyal JW knows that Ceasars laws should never trump what Jehover wants. Plus they probably don't want non-JWs getting such an up close view of their shenanigans. Wouldn't want to bring reproach on the org.
No Apologies